Bread of Life or Forbidden Fruit?

Ingesting the same psychoactive mushroom can have diametrically opposed effects:

If taken for the purposes of self-aggrandizement and ego-enhancement, in order that, as the serpent in the garden promised Adam and Eve, you may become “as gods”, the result will be exile from paradise and even deeper immersion in Babylon.

If the aim is ego death and spiritual rebirth, in the spirit of the second Adam, Christ, the result will be reconciliation with God and entry into His kingdom.

The primal intention behind all other intentions when embarking on a high dose trip should be theosis. We accept God’s transformative grace from “above” as partakers in the divine nature. We don’t elevate ourselves with the help of magic or technology from “below” towards some kind of homo deus status.

Even if all we want is healing or guidance, we should want it not for our own advancement, but for the glory of God.